#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; my $VERSION = "1.1.0"; #### USER CONFIGURATION OPTIONS #### # Don't forget to change the path to perl on the first line. # The base directory of the site, without trailing slash my $base = "/home/mydir/pub_html"; # The name of the file to start at, in the base directory. my $startfile = "index.html"; # The name of your default index file for directories my $indexfile = "index.html"; # Valid file extensions for XHTML documents -- others will not be # crawled or parsed. my @extensions = ('html'); # Should the program print output to screen(0) or file (1); # Include a name and path for a logfile, if set to 1. # Do not comment out if not using. my $output_to_file = 0; my $logfile = ""; # Should program output be: # 0: minimal (print failed links only) # 1: verbose (print all links checked) my $verbose = 1; #### END CONFIGURATION #### use URI::file; use XML::XPath; use XML::XPath::XMLParser; use LWP::UserAgent; if ($output_to_file) { open (LOGFILE,">$logfile") or die "Couldn't open logfile"; select LOGFILE; } chdir ($base) or die "Couldn't access directory $base"; $startfile = URI::file->new_abs($startfile,$base); my (@files, @files_checked); my $pages_checked = 0; my $checked_ok = 0; my $checked_failed = 0; push @files, ($startfile); push @files_checked, ($startfile); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; PARSE: while ( scalar @files > 0 ) { my $file_uri = URI->new(pop @files); my @path_segments = $file_uri->path_segments; my $filename = pop @path_segments; my $ext = (split /\./,$filename)[1]; next PARSE unless ( grep { $_ eq $ext } @extensions ); chdir (join('/', @path_segments)); my $base_uri = URI::file->cwd; print "Trying to parse $file_uri\n"; my $parser = XML::XPath->new(filename => $filename); $pages_checked++; my $nofollow = 0; my $path = ("/html/head/meta[\@name='XLinks']"); foreach my $meta ( ($parser->find($path))->get_nodelist) { my $content = lc $meta->getAttribute('content'); if ($content eq 'nocheck') { print " Found meta 'nocheck' directive. Ignoring file.\n\n"; next PARSE; } elsif ($content eq 'nofollow') { print " Found meta 'nofollow' directive.\n"; $nofollow = 1; } } foreach my $path ('//a','//link','//img') { CHECK: foreach my $node ( ($parser->find($path))->get_nodelist) { next CHECK if $node->getAttribute('check') eq 'no'; unless ( $path eq '//img' ) { my $href = $node->getAttribute('href'); if ( $href =~ /\/$/ ) { $href .= $indexfile } next if $href =~ /\#[\w\d]+$/; my $uri = URI->new_abs($href, $base_uri); next if $uri->scheme eq 'mailto'; if ( $uri->scheme eq 'file' ) { if (check_uri($uri)) { $nofollow = 1 if $node->getAttribute('check') eq 'nofollow'; next CHECK if $nofollow; foreach (@files_checked) { next CHECK if URI::eq($_, $uri) } push @files, ($uri); push @files_checked, ($uri); } } else { check_uri($uri) } } else { my $src = $node->findvalue('@src'); my $uri = URI->new_abs($src, $base_uri); check_uri($uri); } } } print "\n"; } print "\nSUMMARY\n"; print "Pages Checked: " . $pages_checked . "\n"; print "Links Checked: " . ($checked_ok + $checked_failed) . "\n"; print "Pass/Fail: $checked_ok/$checked_failed\n\n"; sub check_uri { my $uri = shift; my $req = HTTP::Request-> new ('HEAD',$uri); my $res = $ua->request($req); if ( $res->is_success ) { print (" Valid (".$res->code.") $uri\n") if $verbose; $checked_ok++; return 1; } else { print (" Failed (".$res->code.") $uri\n"); $checked_failed++; return 0; } } __END__ =head1 NAME XLinks =head1 README Link validator for XHTML web pages. Based on XML parsing methods, this script allows a high degree of control on a page-by-page and link-by-link basis. Able to crawl entire sites. Complete documentation at http://www.sfu.ca/~ajdelore/XLinks/ =head1 PREREQUISITES This script runs under C and requires C, C, C and C. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES C,C =head1 AUTHOR Anthony DeLorenzo (ajdelore@sfu.ca) =cut